Tired of cavities and tooth decay? We can help! Rosedale Dental Studio offers fluoride treatments in Bakersfield, California, to help keep your teeth strong and healthy. Give us a call at 661-501-4746 to learn more and schedule your appointment with our experienced dentist, Dr. Nicole Chen, and our team.
What is fluoride?
Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral found in many foods and is also often added to water supplies and toothpaste. As you eat and drink throughout the day, bacteria, acids and sugars constantly attack your teeth, working to weaken them and cause cavities that damage your oral health. Dr. Nicole Chen may recommend a fluoride treatment to remineralize your tooth enamel, strengthening your teeth and preventing cavities from developing.
How does fluoride benefit my oral health?
Fluoride is designed to remineralize your teeth, increasing their ability to resist decay-causing factors in your mouth and making them less likely to develop cavities. Fluoride is also a key part of strengthening teeth as they develop, making it an important mineral for children as their teeth come in. Keeping your teeth strong and healthy is crucial to maintaining your oral health and is also an important factor in your overall well-being.
When do I receive fluoride treatments?
Dr. Nicole Chen and team typically provide fluoride treatments as part of your regular cleanings and exams. Professional fluoride comes in several forms, including that of a gel, varnish or foam, and can be provided quickly and comfortably before you leave our office. We encourage you to ask our team about this important preventive treatment and how it can benefit you the next time you visit Rosedale Dental Studio.